Hoarding Cleanup

 Las Vegas


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Las Vegas Hoarder Cleanup Services

The process of hoarding starts as material possessions begin to pile up over time. At Supreme Hoarding Cleanup, we understand that there are a multitude of reasons that would keep us from throwing specific items away. From items that have occasional use, to items with sentimental or monetary value. But a hoarding tendency begins to rear its ugly head when we the lines begin to blur. What happens if begin to value EVERYTHING to the point that we can't let anything go?

Make no mistake, this "valuing" should not be perceived as if someone looks at every piece of garbage as if it were a trophy. The Mayo Clinic mentions that "hoarding disorders can begin after stressful or traumatic events in someone's life such as an eviction, divorce, fire, or loss of a loved one." After suffering through such a significant loss, there are those of us who may begin to hold onto everything without ever realizing that we are only getting buried alive under the trash we keep.

It is important to remember that hoarding is a complex disease. Not every situation is going to be as pronounced as we see on the TV show Hoarders. While the eventual outcome of hoarding becomes mounting piles of items that cannot be used or stored properly, many people are often caught off-guard and caught by surprise when these instances occur.

So what can we do to help prevent hoarding?

 It's important to realize that while anyone can ultimately become a hoarder, there are commonalities to those who begin to pile up on their possessions. Older age is typically a shared traits amongst  RECOGNIZED hoarders. That pile of stuff doesn't accrue over overnight, but gradually. We may begin collecting items in our early teenage or young adult years, but it's not necessarily visible that there is an issue brewing.

So what can you do?

We want to be clear on this one. We're not saying that you should go on Spanish Inquisition styled tear through the homes of our loved ones. Instead, try to understand the symptoms. Be physically & emotionally present. Occasionally check on rooms that don't have many visitors. No place welcomes a hoarder's trash like attics, garages, and unused rooms. Some symptoms of hoarding include:

  • Obtaining items that are not needed or for which there's no adequate space to store

  • Continuous objections towards throwing out or parting with your items, regardless of their actual value (That includes you, Beanie Babies)

  • Building up clutter to the point where rooms become completely unusable

  • Having a tendency toward indecisiveness, perfectionism, avoidance, procrastination, or problems having to do with planning and organizing

Ready to take the first towards cleaning up your property here in Las Vegas?

  Call us at (702)-919-6025.

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View Of  A Full Truck From A Hoarder's Home Dumping Part Of The Load At A Waste Station In Las Vegas

The Hoarding Cleanup Process

One of the biggest reason's people hesitate to reach out for free estimates or ask about our services tends to stem from the overall negative stigma surrounding hoarding situations. The shame that many may feel, compounded with the belief of a stressful & lengthy cleanup process can be both mentally and emotionally crippling. Supreme Hoarding Cleanup always keeps issues, such as these stigmas, top of mind as we work with you through this process. Our #1 priority is to ensure your both the comfort & safety that you and your loved ones deserve. Removing truckloads of items & potential hazardous waste can be both stressful and intense when tackled alone. Our team aims to make every step from the estimate through the end of the cleaning process as efficient & easy as can be.


Hoarding Cleanup Services


  • Hazardous Waste Removal

    Items ranging from one end like paint to the other end like animal or human waste would be considered hazardous waste. Depending on the circumstances surrounding such waste, our team may need to have occupants leave the premises while we cleanout the area in professional grade hazmat suits using the proper equipment. Hazardous waste isn't ideal for anyone, so time is of the essence when removing this type of waste.

  • Animal Waste Removal

    While some hoarder may be collecting every newspaper article ever written, others collect cats & dogs. It doesn't take an expert to see how quickly this can go downhill. From rooms that are virtually torn down and covered in feces to deceased pets on the property, animal waste can destroy the health of homes and owners alike. 

  • Mold Removal

    As you remove hazardous waste & hazardous waste, you can almost guarantee that mold has taken hold of some areas of the home. Underneath piles of wet waste, black mold spores can begin to germinate and put anyone inside the property at risk. Allow the professionals at Supreme Hoarding Cleanup to abate any mold related risks today. 

Hoarding Cleanup Las Vegas
  • Hoarder Cleanout

    From walking the property, to cleaning it up, and ensuring your satisfaction, Supreme Hoarding Cleanup is with you every step of the way. From removing bits of clutter, to when items are  stacked up from floor to to ceiling. Our team of professionals can handle hoarding any situation, big or small. Hoarding can quickly become an overwhelming task. Taking on such projects on your own can be both tedious and dangerous.

  • Recovering Valuables

    Not to make light of a serious situation, but at times hoarding cleanouts can almost feel like a treasure hunt. As we vacate piles of waste from the property, we will help to make sure that no valuables are lost in the process. From important documents to genuine high end collectables, we want to make sure that you do not lose any truly cherished items during this process. 

  • Junk Removal

    While not every item involved in cleaning out a hoarder's home is hazardous, we can bet that it's still junk. 

    We're not saying this in a negative connotation, but more so in the regard that these items provide no longer provide lasting value to their owners. 

    Just point to what you want gone, and Supreme Hoarding will haul away your unwanted items.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How Do YOU Define A Hoarder?

    According to Psychiatry.org, people who suffer from a hoarding disorder are those who excessively obtain items that others deem worthless. The haphazard piling, lack of value, and randomness of the items are common differences compared to avid collectors. 

  • How Much Do Hoarding Services Cost?

    One of the top concerns involved with cleaning out a hoarder's home is the costs associated with such jobs. From the size of the home to the severity of the mess, there are dozens of factors involved when it comes to writing out an estimate. 

    Here in Las Vegas, we tend to see most hoarder cleanout jobs fall within the range of $4,000-$25,000. 

  • Is It Possible To Sell A Hoarder's Home As Is?

    There are two answers here, a technical one and a practical one. 

    The technical answer here is that in most cases, yes you CAN sell a hoarder's home as is. 

    The realistic answer though is that most home buyers won't come near your property even if you paid them. 

    Your most likely buyer in these instances will be investors looking to flip your home, and in these instances you will be asked to drop your asking price well below the market value. 

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